The "School on Deformation Theory IV" will be held in the period September 16-20 2024 at Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo "Sapienza University". (Roma, Italy).

This is the forth Workshop in Deformation Theory after Bari 2018, Rome 2010 and Trieste 2004.

There will be four 4 hours courses, some talks and ample time for free discussion.


Lecturers and Courses

  • Nathan Ilten (Simon Fraser University):
  • "Deformation theory, computations, and toric geometry"

  • Cristina Manolache (University of Sheffield):
  • "Reduced invariants"

  • Francesco Meazzini (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"):
  • "An introduction to deformations of sheaves"

  • Michael Wemyss (University of Glasgow):
  • "Noncommutative Deformations and Classification Problems"


  • Simon Felten (Columbia University): Curved Lie algebras in logarithmic deformation theory
  • Alessandro Lehmann (University of Antwerp and SISSA): Curved deformations of differential graded algebras

Scientific and Organizing Committee
