Research Interests
My research field is Algebraic Geometry and my interests concern the Deformation Theory, with particular attention to the approach via Differential Graded Lie Algebras and L-infinity Algebras; Moduli Spaces; Dg-schemes and Dg-Manifolds; Derived Algebraic Geometry; Stack.
Preprints and Publications
Many of them can be found on arXiv. Here you can find my profile on Scopus, Isi, Mathscinet, Orcid, Google Scholar.
- "Deformations of morphisms of sheaves", with E. Martinengo; arXiv:2312.09677.
- "On the local structure of the Brill-Noether locus of locally free sheaves on a smooth variety", with E. Martinengo; accepted by Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova published version, arXiv:2207.13935.
- "Homotopy abelianity of the DG-Lie algebra controlling deformations of pairs (variety with trivial canonical bundle, line bundle)", with M.Manetti; International Journal of Mathematics, 2021, 32 (11), 2150086, published version, arXiv:1902.10386.
- "Deformations of Calabi-Yau manifolds in Fano toric varieties", with G. Bini; Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 2021, 70 (3), 1399-1412 published version; arXiv:2005.05582.
- "On the adjoint map of homotopy abelian DG-Lie Algebras", with M.Manetti; Archivum Mathematicum, vol. 55 (1), (2019), 7-15; published version.
- "On deformations of pairs (manifold, coherent sheaf)", with M.Manetti; published online in Canad. J. Math., 71 (5), (2019) 1209-1241; published version; arXiv:1707.06612.
- "On the abstract Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov Theorems"; Rend. Mat. Appl., Serie VII, 38, (2017), 175-198; published version; pdf; arXiv:1711.11474.
- "Diffeomorphism classes of Calabi-Yau varieties", with G.Bini; Rend. Sem. Mat., Volume 73, Issue 1-2 (2015), 9-20. published version; arXiv:1612.04311.
- "Distances and isomorphisms in 4-regular circulant graphs", with A.Donno; International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings 1738, 270002 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4952041, file.
- "Deformations and obstructions of pairs (X,D)"; Internat. Math. Res. Notices (IMRN), Volume 2015, Issue 19, 9660-9695; arxiv:1302.1149.
- "The Tutte polynomial of some self-similar graphs", with A.Donno; Advances in Geometry 13 (2013) 663-694; arXiv:1006.5333.
- "Semiregularity and obstructions of complete intersections", with M.Manetti; Advances in Mathematics, 235, (2013), 92-125; arXiv:1112.0425.
- "Posetted trees and Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff product ", with M.Manetti; Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 10, (2013), 611-623, arXiv:1106.4685.
- "Differential graded Lie algebras controlling infinitesimal deformations of coherent sheaves", with D. Fiorenza and E. Martinengo; J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 14, (2012), no. 2, 521-540 arXiv:0904.1301.
- "A Semi-regularity map annihilating obstructions to deforming holomorphic maps'', Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 54, n. 3, 2011, 472-486; Preprint 33 (2006/2007) of the Institute Mittag-Leffler (Stockholm); arXiv 0707.2454.
- "The Tutte polynomial of the Schreier graphs of the Grigorchuk group and of the Basilica group", with T. Ceccherini-Silberstein and A.Donno; "Ischia Group Theory 2010" Proceedings of the Conference, 45–68, 2012, World Scientific Publishing Company, Hackensack, NJ; ISBN-10: 9814350389; arXiv:1010.2902.
- "An algebraic proof of Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem", with M.Manetti; in "Deformation Spaces", Aspects of Mathematics vol. 39, p. 113-133, Vieweg Verlag, 2010; arXiv:0902.0732.
- "Deformation of algebriac subvarieties"; Preprint of the Max Planck Insitute MPIM2010-28; Rend. Mat. Appl., Serie VII, 30 (I), 2010, 89-109; arXiv:1003.3333.
- "L-infinity Algebras and Deformations of Holomorphic Maps'', International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN), 2008, rnn013-36. Preprint 28 (2006/2007) of the Institute Mittag-Leffler (Stockholm); arXiv 0705.4532.
- "Local structure of abelian covers'', Journal of Algebra 301, 2006, 601-615; arXiv: math. AG/0511700.
Other Publications
- "Algebre di Lie Differenziali Graduate e Deformazioni di Mappe Olomorfe'', Synthesis of PhD Thesis, Bollettino Unione Matematica Italiana, Sez. A, Serie VIII, Vol. X-A, (2007), 251-254.
- "Differential Graded Lie Algebras and Deformation of Holomorphic maps'', PhD Thesis, Rome, (2006) arXiv:math.AG/0701091.
- Editor del libro: "Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces" Volume, Springer INdAM Series, 39, Ediors: Colombo, E., Frediani, P., Pardini, R., Fantechi, B., Iacono, D., Springer, 2020
- "Teorema dei quattro colori", di Donatella Iacono e Sabina Milella, pubblicato nel 2023 da Out of Nowhere S.r.l., nella collana Le Scienze: "RIVOLUZIONI MATEMATICHE I grandi Teoremi da Pitagora a Nash"